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The Fast | The Slow
The Fast
These are the ppl who ya get right up to quickly and get out to go to your friends.
Number #1 on our list is BOBBY.
BOBBY is the greatest of all the Lunch Ladys. She almost Never Misses a Day. She works the 2nd Cart and is on the Left Side. She Is the Faster then everyone even if she has to do two lines at once. If you go to her more then 2 times and order the same thing She will always remember you and have it waiting when she sees you get in line. She also Gets those idiots who cut out of line. She doesnt take any attitude and is always a fast Change counter. She will sometimes Lets you owe money if your a regular buyer, but plz pay her back the next day. She is alway very protective of her volontiers, so if you mess with them then dont exspect to be getting food anytime soon.
Number#2 on our list is PIEZA.
He is A little Slower then Bobby, but doesnt usually remember your Regular Order. He has an ok since of humor but doesnt like to chit chat. A little Slower on the Change back. If you Want Pizza or Icey Malts Go to him, he seems to be able to chuck those out the fastest. At lunch he sometimes tries to get you to buy somestuff. But that is his only bad check.